Proje hakkında
In the multicultural Europe of the 21st Century, we have no better chance for learning to live and work together. This project will help our students to become more active, tolerant, responsible and respectful citizens. This project will also give our students the chance to use the language and ICT skills they learn at school practically. They will have the chance to practice and improve their language, literacy and ICT skills as well as other skills in vital curriculum areas including geography, science, art and history. Throughout the course of the project, students will gain invaluable new experiences and knowledge of other cultures and a greater understanding of their own cultures.
We will work on Unesco Cultural Heritage Sites,Unesco Intangible Cultural Heritage an UN Sustainable Devlopment Goals.
By the end of the project students should value their contribution to the historical and cultural heritage of Europe and acknowledge their active roles as European citizens.
To enable and encourage students to:
- to learn about different countries, people, cultures
- respect and appreciate cultural diversity
- be more aware of their own histories and the histories of partner countries
- develop their language, ICT, artistic skills and creativity
- become active European citizens
and to:
- improve interactive learning
- share good practice, techniques and resources in order to develop the quality of education
- encourage communication and cooperation between students/staff in partner countries
- increase students' motivation for learning
-Pre test For the project
-Logo,Poster Contest
-Mixed Teams Creation.
-Collaborative Kahoot Quiz using Forum
-Shooting New Year wishes Video in Native Language and A foreign Languahe
- online quizzes VİA KAHOOT-Parents
-Unesco Cultural Heritage Sites
-Unesco Intangible Cultural Heritages
-Democratically Voting via DOTSTORMING for collaborative story's charecter,time and place
-Getting familier with UN Sustainable Devlopment Goals.
-Pupils' Collaborative story Writing(FINAL PRODUCT)
-Illustration of story by pupils,and vocalising
-Creating Edmodo virtual class for distance Learning.
-Quizes about the Collaborative story in Edmodo
-Partners creating Quiz abou the Project Activies
-Pupils doing the quiz via QUIZIZZ
Answergarden for Voicethread Audio Travel Phrase Book,
Collaborative Travel Guide Madmagz
During the eight-month project our students will learn about their own countries, cultures, traditions, histories, environments and shared ethical and spiritual values. They will also learn about partner countries' and they will discover similarities and differences.We will achive This thanks to Unesco Cultural Heritage Sites,Unesco Intangible Cultural Heritage,and UN Sustainable Development Goals.
We hope that as a result of this work our students will be impacted in the following ways;
- Students will become more comfortable and confident in a global world without any discrimination or prejudices
- Students will develop a more European perspective and a greater understanding of the European Union as a whole
- Students will have an increased cultural awareness and understanding
- Students will gain a greater respect for their own countries and value their traditions and contributions
- Students will understand the importance of modern foreign languages and how they can play an active