Water that triggered the life in the world is rapidly polluting due to consumption habits in the modern world. Nowadays, while the consumption of water is increasing, accessing clean waters for individuals is becoming harder. However accessing clean water is should be a part of human rights, but millions of people cannot reach potable water, potable water in the world is 3% of all water in the world, and therefore dying. (Kılıç and Karataş: 2018). Global warming and climate change are dragging the world to an uncertain future, threatening even water-rich countries. For this reason, water literacy is extremely important for conservation and saving of water, which is a vital resource for life. With this project, students will learn by observing the behavior of water in their daily lives, by experiencing how it gets dirty and how it should be protected. The spread of water literacy among students (Dinç, 2018) will contribute significantly to the protection of the ecological system.
With this project, it is aimed that students become water literate by creating water awareness against the increasing water pollution in the world. In addition, it is aimed to use, one of the most important sources in the world and irresponsibly used, water more carefully and economically among our students, their parents and teachers. Also, it is aimed to improve foreign language skills of students and use technologies such as computers and mobile phones safely with web 2.0 tools.
Our project will be carried out between 15.09.2020 - 30.05.2021. The work schedule is included in the project in detail.
With this project, it is expected to increase water literacy of students, their parents and teachers, and their attitudes and behaviors towards water consumption will change positively thanks to the technological tools that students can use. Also, knowledge and skills of students will improve about this topic, thanks to foreign language. And they will learn how to use technological tools in digital environment safely.